Searcy Planning Studies
The City of SearcyLocation
Searcy, ARCrafton Tull was commissioned to prepare three planning studies simultaneously for the City of Searcy. The goal of these collective plans is to establish a vision through public engagement to improve the City’s quality of life, access, and built environment through studies that set short, medium, and long-range goals. The first community event sought to garner input for all three plans in one location using interactive stations where participants could share thoughts, draw on maps, and win prizes. The Searcy Chamber provided giveaways while local banks cooked food for the participants to enjoy while their kids enjoyed various outdoor activities.
The Infrastructure Study focuses on utility improvement, drainage and flooding issues, roads, sidewalks, and traffic congestion. Public survey data provides resident input on areas of concern around the city. The study’s final recommendations will be prioritized according to community input, estimates of cost, and project scheduling. The outcome of the study will be a year-by-year expense projection for a six-year bond program.
The Active Transportation Plan focuses on connecting the community’s amenities to downtown, Harding University, parks and neighborhoods. Public input sessions, interviews and a resident’s survey will inform the current issues that the plan will address. By utilizing best practice facilities such as protected bicycle lanes, sharrows, complete street designs, side paths, and safe pedestrian options, the plan will employ context-sensitive solutions for different connections within the city limits. The methodology incorporates a community-driven plan that includes input from a steering committee as well as the residents of Searcy to guide the preferred scenarios. Implementation strategies, prioritization, phasing, and funding will also be addressed in the final report document.
The Park System Master Plan will be a 10-year parks and recreation document produced out of a series of public meetings, interviews, and evaluation of current facilities and community land uses. Based on the numerous public input sessions, interview with recreation groups, and findings from public survey as well as a needs assessment, specific projects will be identified, as well as gaps in the current park programs and offerings. The plan will identify policies and strategies for utilizing park assets to reinforce community culture and quality of life. The final plan will provide system-wide recommendations for implementation, including expansion, enhancement, and maintenance, as well as identify strategies for upgrading or reprogramming existing parks and facilities.
The City of SearcyLocation
Searcy, AR